The holidays are here and the spirit of giving is strong! That’s one of the best parts of Christmas, so why not make your generosity go even further?

Compassion Canada is working hard to make conditions for children better around the world, and they’ve put together the perfect gift guide to inspire you.

Here’s everything you need to know about this organization and how you can channel your dollars to make a difference for someone this Christmas. 


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What is Compassion Canada?

Compassion Canada is a non-profit that’s on a mission to alleviate global child poverty. Through their Gifts of Compassion program, you can help fuel their proven child development program, which is lifting millions of children, families, and their communities out of poverty. 

From child protection workshops to food security and clean water initiatives, every gift in their guide meets a specific need identified by local community leaders.

How to Give

This year, you can make your generosity go the extra mile by giving with Compassion Canada. When you donate, you know you’re helping create a lasting impact. 

Your donations are also eligible for charitable tax receipts, so you can feel extra good about spreading the love!

Causes You Can Support

Here is just a sampling of the various ways Compassion Canada is working to support communities and alleviate child poverty around the world. 

They’ve created these gift guides so that you can support whichever causes resonate the most with you, and know that you’re making a difference.

  • Anti-child trafficking
  • Food security
  • Clean water
  • Disaster relief
  • Education
  • Spiritual development
  • Major medical treatment for kids
  • Child and maternal health

Inspired? Visit Compassion Canada’s website to learn more about what causes you can support and how you can make your generosity go further this holiday season.