How much do you know about your Community League? Do you even know what Leagues are? It’s okay if you didn’t because Leagues are a type of nonprofit organization unique to Edmonton, and what they do is pretty cool. 

A Community League is a group made up of volunteers who help improve and care for the neighbourhoods they live in. There are 162 Leagues in Edmonton, one for each community. The Leagues are open to anyone who lives in the neighbourhood. If you’ve ever wanted to get more involved where you live or have an idea for a cool community project, this is the place to be.

community league
Photo via Edmonton Federation of Community League

Community Leagues aren’t playing around; if you’re imagining community BBQs and bouncy castles, they do that too, but we want you to think a whole lot bigger. Since 1921, Leagues have built more than half a billion in social infrastructure around the city of Edmonton. Playgrounds, ice rinks, parks, community gardens – if you’ve got some of those around your neighbourhood, chances are good that it was built by a League.

Leagues also organize community recreation events like board game and pub nights, skating, outdoor movies, soccer, and even yoga. There is a lot these organizations can accomplish, and it’s all done with volunteers. The price of membership varies by neighbourhood, but it’s very affordable – free in some places! So you don’t have to be a Mr. Moneybags to make a difference.

community league
Photo via Edmonton Federation of Community League

Are you an ideas person who wants to be a part of making positive changes where you live? Well, now is the perfect opportunity to learn more about how you can get involved. 

On September 16, Edmonton is having a Community League Day, so you can meet your own local League and hear firsthand about all they do in your community. Every League is different, so expect a neighbourhood party that’s unique, quirky, and full of interesting and heartfelt characters. 

community league
Photo via Edmonton Federation of Community League

Find your local League and meet the people volunteering to make a difference in your neighbourhood. Learn about the work they do, discover the perks of membership, and see how you can help make your community a better place. 


When: Saturday, September 16th 
Where: By neighbourhood
Cost: Free