Ah, the holidays. We wait all year for it, but it always feels like it sneaks up on us. So if you’re like us, you may have not booked any travel or flights for the season yet. And if you’re looking to save a bit on flights from your city, here’s how to find some options for the cheapest day to fly before booking.

According to travel website KAYAK, searches are up almost 40 per cent (37%)* internationally compared to last year, which they say means that “Canadians are looking to indulge in travel before the year is up.”

And being in November already, it may seem that prices are climbing, but the travel experts at KAYAK say that prices for international flights in December are actually down 10% compared to last year.

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Wondering when is the best time to travel over the holidays? If you’re looking for options, KAYAK’s Best Time to Travel is a tool that pulls data from “billions of travel queries to determine the best day to take off for the best price.”

And KAYAK’s team told Curiocity when the cheapest day to travel is this season.

“While the best day to book your holiday flight is very route-specific,” they said, “for the upcoming Christmas Holiday, KAYAK data is showing that generally, if you’re flying domestically, the cheapest day overall to fly is Christmas Eve (December 24) and if you’re flying internationally, the cheapest day to fly is December 23.”

So there you have it. If you are looking for the best deals, Christmas Eve or the day before will be your best bet this holiday season.

And with Black Friday coming up, could also be worth looking at those travel deal when they drop.

Safe travels out there & happy holidays!