Every Albertan knows that the weather forecast is 20% science and 80% wishful thinking. 

Who doesn’t empathize with the frustration of a sunny drive, turned freak hailstorm? It can take a toll, and our vehicles definitely show it. A few unpredictable weather systems are all it takes to turn into years of built-up scratches, nicks, and paint chips.

If your car’s finish has lost a bit of its lustre, don’t worry! There is a way to get it looking new again and protect your vehicle against those fast and furious Alberta storms.

Ming Shine are local Edmonton legends renowned for their car protection, detailing, and restoration services. If you want your vehicle paint to look factory-fresh again, they’re the ones you call!

Here’s how these wizards work their magic. 

Car protection

About Ming Shine

Ming Shine has been the go-to business for automotive detailing and paint protection in Edmonton since 1959. They’ve got all the know-how to make your car look new again and protect it from the elements.

These are their top services to restoring your vehicle’s dazzle and erasing those years of hailstorms, parking lot nicks, and minor oopsie-daisies. 

Car Protection Services

Paint Correction and Power Polishing 

Nothing shows your car’s age more than the chips and scratches in its paint. Ming Shine offers comprehensive paint correction and power polishing services to restore and enhance your vehicle’s exterior. 

The process includes multiple stages of polishing to eliminate surface imperfections like swirl marks, light scratches, and lacklustre paint. This service works for vehicles of all ages and is tailored to achieve a smooth, high-gloss finish. Your car will look like you just drove it off the lot!

Ceramic Coating

If you want your four-wheeled baby to shine brighter than any other car on the road, Ming Shine offers ceramic coating services to enhance your car’s exterior.

Their ceramic coatings create a durable layer that shields the paint from environmental contaminants and minor scratches while providing a high-gloss finish. How cool!

Check out their 2 Edmonton locations and make an appointment to get your car looking brand-spanking-new again!


When: Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Where:  10575 108 St NW, Edmonton and 9918 35 Ave NW, Edmonton
Cost: Prices vary by service package