Canada’s party leaders went head to head on Thursday night in the first English language debate of this election, but it was a first-time voter from northern Ontario who stole the show. Praise is pouring in on social media for 18-year-old Marek McLeod, who had the chance to ask the candidates an important question, but it was the way he asked it that has people so charmed.

McLeod hesitated before asking his question and then began with, “In Ojibwe culture, trust and respect is key to any relationship.” He then seemed to lose his train of thought and smiled as he looked around and said, “Oh shoot.”

He closed his eyes as if to remember his words and then quickly jumped back into the question, which was, “How can I trust and respect the federal government after 150 plus years of lies and abuse to my people, and as Prime Minister, what will you do to rebuild the trust between First Nations and the federal government?”

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Canadians were quick to put the young voter at ease by saying moments like that happen to the best of us. One Global News reporter tweeted, “Don’t worry, Marek. Every TV reporter has been there.”

So many people have tweeted with their words of encouragement that Marek started trending on Twitter on Friday morning. Some even say he’s the unofficial winner of the debate.

Marek seems to be well aware of his new tagline, even adding “Oh shoot” to his Instagram bio. Marek McLeod for PM!