There’s no place like the Great North, but when it comes to the most enchanting destination in Canada, Sable Island should most certainly be considered.

Located off the coast of Halifax, this tiny island is hardly identifiable on a map, but what it lacks in size, it makes up for in magic!

Measuring 35 km long and 1.6 km wide, Sable is home to a record-breaking seal population, unique plants, birds and insects.

The most majestic residents though?

A band of wild horses.

Described as stocky with thick woolly, shaggy coats, there are an estimated 450 mustangs that roam free – all of which are descendants of those introduced to the island in the 1700s.

sable island
Photo via Shutterstock

“The generally accepted idea is that Boston minister Andrew LeMercier first introduced the horses to the island in 1737 and 1738,” Parks Canada explains.

“He believed a settlement on Sable Island would benefit those who shipwrecked there.”

The horses, in addition to cows, sheep, goats, and hogs were sent to live in the area, however, only the band survived in the long term.

Since then, the island itself has been established as a national park reserve, but the horses remain as wild as can be.

“Parks Canada does not control or actively manage the Sable Island horse population,” they write.

“As there is no immediate risk to these animals, Parks Canada does not plan to intervene, allowing them to continue their natural behaviour undisturbed.”

Plan to visit? It’s super important that you do not touch, feed, or otherwise interact with the horses.

In fact, Parks Canada requires that you stay at least 20 m away from them, but take it all in.

They really are a sight to behold and you won’t want to miss a single hoof pound.