It’s been a long, competitive month of public speaking, private interviews, and dance, but it’s that time again! Exhibiting grace, knowledge, and beauty – we finally have our First Nations Princess for the 2022 Calgary Stampede!

A traditional dancer and emerging artist from the Siksika Nation, 26-year-old Sikapinakii Low Horn is currently attending the University of Calgary for Fine Arts and was formally crowned this year’s winner at an emotional ceremony over the weekend.

“We are excited as a committee to welcome Sikapinakii Low Horn as the 2022 First Nations Princess,” said Alex Laidlaw, Vice-Chair, First Nations Events Committee in a press release.


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“Every year it is inspiring to see how the First Nations Princess uses this platform to share Treaty 7 histories and cultures and to experience the impact she has on the community, even beyond her reign.”

“First Nations Princess alumni have accomplished a variety of impressive pursuits both during and after their reigns, and we are excited to be a part of Sikapinakii’s journey,” Laidlaw continued.

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During her year-long adventure, Low Horn will act as a cultural ambassador, sharing stories and history with audiences at over 300 events which include performances and classroom visits just to name a few – so it’s going to be a busy couple of months!

Of course, we have no doubt she’ll make not only the Siksika community but Calgary and the organization incredibly proud – so here’s to an exciting journey. We can’t wait to see what she does with the opportunity!