Stampede is hot on our heels and while there’s going to be plenty to see and do along the midway this year, the eyes of many will be on the Calgary BMO Centre Expansion!

A venue years in the making, the finished building will boast a total of 1 million square feet and is on track to finally open next June ahead of the 2024 Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth.

Recent Posts:
Construction on Calgary’s $500M BMO Expansion is now officially underway
New renderings of Calgary’s BMO expansion show how different the Stampede grounds will look in 2024

Photo Via CMLC / Calgary Stampede

“You can’t miss the BMO Centre expansion when you visit The Culture + Entertainment District – it has progressed so significantly since this time last year, when only a portion of the structural steel was installed. We can now clearly see the impact this incredible building will have to Calgary’s skyline and to our city’s reputation as a convention destination,” said Kate Thompson, President and CEO of CMLC.

“The scale of the building makes this a unique construction site for the project team, and there’s an incredible amount of work happening here every day. We’re grateful to all our partners for their continued dedication and pride in bringing this project to life.”

Photo Via CMLC / Calgary Stampede

With a new exhibition space, 38 meeting rooms, two ballrooms and gathering spaces throughout, the new and improved BMO Centre is projected to be the largest convention centre in all of Western Canada and with a $500 million price tag, we hope we’ll be able to hold that title for a long while.

“The expansion of the BMO Centre gives Calgary a greater way to gather and will dramatically improve the Calgary Stampede’s hosting capacity and Calgary’s competitive position,” said Joel Cowley, CEO of the Calgary Stampede.

Photo Via CMLC / Calgary Stampede

“At completion, the building, including the existing BMO Centre facilities, has the ability to host an impressive 33,000 guests at one time. The Champions Ballroom alone – at more than four times the size of the existing Palomino ballroom – will accommodate standing room for 5,000 people. We’ve seen great interest from the meeting and conventions industry to book in this remarkable new space, and we are hard at work preparing to welcome the world and our community to our new facility just one short year from now.”

Can’t wait to see it in all of its glory? It won’t be long now, but we’ll keep you updated as more information rolls in.

From Canada’s largest fireplace to its nearby hotel, the Calgary skyline is soon going to be changed for good so keep an eye out!