Trees are spectacular, but even more so when they’ve been dead for nearly 50 years and still remain upright.

Located 6 minutes from the community of Bellevue, the Burmis Tree is an Alberta landmark and has been described as a ‘testament to the enduring and resilient nature of the people of Crowsnest Pass.”

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Photo via SweCanZar /

Like so many others that suffered a similar fate, the namesake municipality in which the tree stands was once bustling with miners and their families, but times have changed drastically.

All that’s left of Burmis now are a few houses, recreational properties and of course the tree – which is arguably the most beloved pine in Alberta.

Though it’s completely lost the ability to receive nutrients, locals and Alberta’s Department of Culture and Tourism have managed to hold the 700-year-old trunk in place since 1978, in turn, inspiring several paintings and even a few poems.

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“The Burmis Tree is highly regarded as a symbol of the region’s commitment to preserving its cultural heritage,” Crowsnest Pass wrote.

“Before driving into the valley, it’s hard not to succumb to the urge to take in the eerie beauty of the tree. After all, it is older than the entire country and has seen its share of history. No wonder it is the most photographed tree in Canada.”

Interested in seeing it for yourself? The Burmis tree can be found along the #3 highway, so plan ahead and bring some road snacks.

You never know, you too, might find some serious inspiration in its dry and historic branches.

The Burmis Tree, Alberta

Where: Pincher Creek No. 9, AB – Directions here