You’re probably aware, but our city and province as a whole have seen some pretty horrible stuff lately. The widespread BC floods and mudslides have rocked communities, destroyed homes, displaced families, and much worse.

However, in times like this, there are always helpers. There are always initiatives, friends, strangers, and organizations that run into the fray to help out, and our province has seen a lot of that the last week.

This is just the beginning as well because they’re showing no signs of stopping. Oh, and they’re paying for a helicopter to transport the food to the people stranded in Hope. Now, that’s just human generosity at its finest.

Abbotsford is one of the biggest farming communities in the province. So, it makes sense that farmers would not want to part with their cattle. And these videos show that when disaster strikes no cow is left behind, if it can be helped.

Another amazing display of a community coming together. In the video, you can see the hundreds of volunteers working together to sandbag the incoming flooding. Really powerful stuff.

Not only do communities come together in times of need, so do entire nations. The Canadian Forces in the US sent a helicopter to help airlift people stranded by the flood. And, it’s a thrilling sight.

While the last few days have been tragic, it’s always good to remember that there are always folks out there looking to help in times like these.