Wild Rose Country is an incredible place, above and just below the surface!

From cave systems to speakeasies, there are several things to see and do underground, but few destinations are as mysterious as Lake Minnewanka, Alberta.

Surrounded by towering trees and the Rocky Mountains, Lake Minnewanka or Minn-waki (Lake of Spirits), is best known for its brilliant blue water, but there’s far more than meets the eye.

According to Parks Canada, there’s an entire ghost town at the bottom of the pristine and unsurprisingly popular pool.

“In 1886 the “Beach House”, a log hotel, was built along the original shores of Lake Minnewanka. By 1912, a summer village called Minnewanka Landing was established,” they write.

“The townsite consisted of four avenues and three streets. There were hotels, wharves, restaurants and sailing tours aboard two cruise boats – “Lady of the Lake”, and “Daughter of the Peaks.”

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Photo via Shutterstock

Flash forward to 1941, when a nearby dam broke and flooded the area.

From sidewalks and cellars to several housing foundations, much of the town was lost to the lake and is now frozen in time.

In fact, there are several sites where those with proper training can go scuba diving to explore all that remains.

Not certified? No worries, as we mentioned – Lake Minnewanka is a beautiful place to visit whether you do it in a wetsuit or not.

It really one of the most magical places in the province, so check it out and don’t forget your gear!

It’s truly amazing.

Lake Minnewanka Ghost Town

Where: Improvement District No. 9, AB