Well Toronto, we’ve done it again. Brand new rankings have just been dropped by the world ranking website, bestcities.org and Toronto nabbed a top spot. The list was put together by the Resonance Consultancy firm and it takes all kinds of factors into consideration. Things like tourism quality, reputation, and competitive identity were all factored into the rankings. Plus, this year, each city’s COVID-19 response was taken into consideration as well.

So where did Toronto land? In 13th place! Yeah, yeah, we know it’s not in the top ten. BUT it is the highest our city has ever ranked on this list. So kudos to us for the improvement. We’re also the highest-ranked Canadian city on the list, with Vancouver, Montreal, Calgary, Ottawa, and Edmonton showing up a little lower down.

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So which cities came out on top? This list has a pretty healthy mix of places from all over. The top five cities include New York, Paris, Moscow, and Tokyo, with London coming in at number one. This is the sixth year in a row that the UK spot has placed first on the list.

So congrats to Toronto and all the other stellar spots on the list! We can’t say we’re surprised by the outcome, cause all these places are superb.

You can check out the full list of rankings right here.