It’s no secret that this year hasn’t exactly been easy on the workforce. Folks all over have been struggling with lack of employment and financial struggles, or if they have employment, less than ideal working conditions. But some GTA companies took these lemons and turned them into lemonade, with innovative and engaging practices for their employees. In fact, Canada’s Top 100 has just released its list of Greater Toronto’s Top Employers of the year.

So to get on this list, employers were evaluated on a few criteria. Things like physical workspace, work atmosphere and social, health and family benefits, employee communications, performance management, training and skills development, and community involvement were all taken into consideration.

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Some of the standout Top Employers include places like the Toronto Zoo, who offers their employees killer perks like tuition subsidies, pension plans, and health benefits. Or the University of Toronto, who has a commitment to diversity and inclusion. Plus, generous maternity and paternal leave, and great health benefits.

Even Metrolinx nabbed a spot, thanks to their excellent family-friendly benefits, their Ideas@Work initiative (encouraging employees to submit ideas for a better workplace), and their retirement plans.

So if you’re looking for a new job, hitting up this list could be a great place to start. You can check out the full 100 Greater Toronto Top Employers by heading online right here.