Alright, folks, we love the fresh mix of mountain and sea air that we get to breathe on a daily basis in Metro Vancouver, and we don’t want that going anywhere. If you feel the same, then you definitely need to check out Metro Vancouver’s Clean Air Plan, which is open for feedback until June 15th! On the fence about participating? Here’s why we think you absolutely should.

If you haven’t already heard, Metro Vancouver has set an ambitious, but achievable goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. And as part of this, our region needs to significantly reduce the level of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 2030. So, Metro Vancouver has set out 3 major goals for the next decade or so:

  • Reduce GHGs by 45% from 2010 levels
  • Ensure ambient (or outdoor) air quality meets all government standards
  • Increase the amount of time that visual air quality is classified as excellent
metro vancouver air
Photos via Curiocity

After working with municipal governments, organizations, and residents around the region, Metro Vancouver has come up with 132 different recommendations for policy change. Some of these are already in place, like air quality monitoring, ozone management, and reducing smoke from mass wood burning. However, the vast majority of them are new.

In a nutshell, Metro Vancouver is after the big three major sources of emissions, making up about 95% of them in the region. These are the upkeep for both residential and commercial buildings, the transportation sector, and industrial sources. 

So where do you come in, dear reader? Well, if you’re like us, and curious about how we can reduce emissions, change the way we live and travel, and keep this region an awesome place to live, you’re invited to have your say on the matter. 

metro vancouver air
Photos via Curiocity

For more info, click this link. Send the project team your opinion- they have lots of ways to share your thoughts on their website. And register for a free public forum taking place on May 20th!

Time to put on our ‘big kid’ pants and do some reading, hey?