We were looking for fun stuff to write about today, and we stumbled across BC’s own Cody Caves, which offers a very interesting sight. Go on a tour here, and you’ll find icicles growing the wrong way. Let’s check it out!

Basically, Cody Caves Provincial Park, near Kootenay Lake, is one of the best places in Canada to see ‘ice stalagmites’. These reverse icicles form when warm air circulates through the caves, causing water to accumulate on the roof. As it falls, the water returns to freezing temperature, and reverse icicles are the result!

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A quick peek on Wikipedia tells us that ice stalagmites are more common than stalactites (normal icicles) in caves. But, we’ve never heard of this phenomenon before. Probably because ‘winter spelunking’ has never made our to-do list.

Lucky for us, a company called Cody Cave Tours offers a safe way to check them out. Their excursion features a quick helicopter ride, followed by snowshoeing, before finally reaching the caves. It’s only for the ‘active and adventurous’, but it looks incredible.

And while we can’t be booking for this weekend due to travel restrictions, we’re definitely keeping this in mind next time we head to the Rocky Mountains.

Cody Cave Winter Tours

When: Contact the company to inquire about dates
Where: Ainsworth, British Columbia