Have you ever been curious about what life was like during the dark ages? Well, it turns out that you can actually get a pretty good idea of it at Camlann Medieval Village in Washington. This extremely unique village is dedicated to educating people about what life was like in the 14th century at their living and breathing museum. And part of that education includes food!

Several times a year, Camlann puts on grand feasts at its Bors Hede Inne. These feasts are prepared from recipes enjoyed by the noble classes because you are, of course, royalty. And trust us, don’t be scared about the food because it actually sounds pretty dang good. Some menu items include things like Blaunch Porre which is sweet leeks and quail. See? It’s not nearly as barbaric as you thought.

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In our books, this is probably one of the most unique dining experiences that you can get in Washington. And if you’re interested in trying it out, you’re in luck because there are several feasts happening this summer. On June 19th and 20th, you can enjoy a delicious Midsomer Feast (without all the scariness of an Ari Aster film). And if you can’t make those dates you can enjoy St James Feasts on July 24th and 25th.

So treat yourself to a new and truly unique dining experience that will transport you back centuries. Who knows, maybe 14th-century cuisine will end up being your new fave thing. Because you can’t knock it till you try it right? If you’d like to learn more you can click below.

Camlann Medieval Village Feasts

When: June 19th & 20th and July 24th & 25th
Where: 10320 Kelly Road NE, Carnation, WA
Cost: $50.00 per person