You’re never too old (or young) to learn, and there are a ton of classes at the Vancouver Public Library that prove exactly that. From sound editing to STEAM (science, technology, art, engineering, and math) courses for kids, there are plenty of options to fit any age or skill set. Best of all? All of them are free to attend.

In addition to online and in-person educational courses, VPL offers guests all kinds of free workshops, career services, family-friendly activities, book clubs, and film screenings.

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So, whether you want to prep for an interview or English language exam, find a new job, or learn a new craft – the VPL has you covered. Below are just some of the free classes you can check out at their branches and online.

Free classes & workshops

For the kids, check out their Family Board Game sessions, Lego Block Parties, creative writing classes, and more.

Those who want to get better at adulting can also join a variety of personal finance classes, small business planning, and retirement planning. And of course, there is no shortage of programs for book lovers. VPL offers a variety of author talks and lectures, as well as book clubs where participants can discuss new literature and connect with new friends.

You can search for classes based on your interests or by your nearest branch.

Happy learning, Vancouver!