On Thursday, the Vancouver Mural Fest announced the latest event it’s bringing to the city. So, get ready for VMF Winter Arts, an augmented-reality experience. Here’s a quick rundown.

This public event will see existing art spaces around the city transformed through AR technology. To do this, VMF used SparkAR, which is compatible with both Facebook and Instagram cameras to view. Turns out, it’s crazy expensive to make your own AR app.

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Once it starts, all you’ll have to do is find a piece with an AR code beside it, open your phone, and voila! Watch a 30-foot tall mural come to life, or fold in on itself, or whatever ends up happening. It’d be a great addition to an afternoon stroll, that’s for sure.

More details about VMF Winters Arts will be released shortly, including a map of all the places to check out. We can’t wait to see it!

VMF Winter Arts

When: February 12th to 28th
Where: All around Vancouver
Cost: Free!