While we’d love to believe that Curiocity is the website you visit most often, we know that it’s just not the truth. However, this has us thinking. If not us, then who? What is the most viewed website in Canada? What about America, Europe or Asia? Well, lucky for us, the folks at Halcyon Maps actually spent the better half of this year, not only finding out but creating a map of the world’s internet activity – for your viewing pleasure.

Now you may be thinking, “what took them so long?” and to that we’d say, check it below! This thing is incredibly detailed, extremely creative and completely up to date – Well unless you’re reading this prior to 2021. 

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Photo Via Halcyon Maps

Not only does it include the most viewed sites represented by larger ‘countries’, but it also includes several thousand of some of the most popular searches, social networks, e-commerce stores and even adult entertainment platforms as they apply to each piece of ‘land’.

For example – American-born companies Google and Youtube had the most viewed sites (no surprise there), followed only by China-based websites TMall and Baidu.

Sadly for Canadians who hoped to see Northern representation higher up on the list, our most popular internet platform, MyShopify.com placed down at 32, with the next most popular Canadian site being PornHub which took 90th place out of the 612 listed.

Heck, just for ‘funsies’ they also added dark web searches and a list of sites blocked in certain parts of the world.

If you’d like more information about how their map of the world’s internet activity works or what it took to create it, please visit their website here – where you can also order a full-sized poster of it as well.

Man, was this eye-opening! Check it out!