Okay, show of hands: how many of you can live without your phone? Anyone? Aaaanyone? No? No one?

We thought so! Truth be told, none of us can. After all, our phones aren’t mere helpful devices anymore, they are essential survival tools that we use for maintaining a social life, shopping essential and nonessential stuff, staying connected to the world, staying in shape (think workout videos, diet plans, healthy recipes, water reminders, step counters, etc.) and so much more. So, it only made sense to integrate healthcare into this digital Genie. And Numi did so!

If you’ve been in or out of Calgary in the last few months, you’ve obviously seen and gotten COVID tested at Numi. But for those who haven’t, here’s the deal…

Yes, Numi is popular for its YYC COVID airport testing and other pop-up clinics in the province, but it’s actually a full-service mobile healthcare company that allows you to get diagnostics, lab tests, and vaccinations from the safety and comfort of your home. All you have to do is download the Numi app, available on both App Store and Google Play, select the service you require, pick a time and date, and a qualified team of nurses and medical professionals will be at your doorstep. No more lining up and time-wasting in a lab. How convenient? 

numi health canada calgary
Photos via Curiocity

Now here’s the best part- convenience isn’t all you get, you also get quick results. Your test results will be delivered within 24 hours. And for some tests, results can now be sent securely via the app, so you can easily keep track of your health and maintain records. Plus, you don’t have to worry about what you need to do next. When necessary, the Numi team will follow up with you, provide prescriptions and refer you to a physician. And that’s pretty cool if you ask us!

Their wide range of services included lab requisitions, vaccinations, general wellness testing, women’s and men’s health testing, and sexual health screening. You can actually check out all the services on the easy-to-navigate, tell-all Numi website

Alright Calgary, now you have all the info you need in hand to stay healthy! It’s never been easier.