June 21st is nearly here and with the sunny season hot on our heels, Environment and Climate Change Canada has given us a peek at their 2023 summer forecast.

Described as “above normal,” most Canadians are in for a scorching season – one that’ll be for the books.

“The only areas in the entire country that are forecast to have below-seasonal temperatures over the coming months are up in the north near Baffin Island, Ellesmere as well as the Avalon Peninsula,” ECCC Warning Preparedness Meteorologist, Armel Castellan, said when giving the rundown on June and July.

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Photo via Environment and Climate Change Canada

Sadly, for those who can’t take the heat, Mother Nature will keep the ball rolling until September, according to ECCC, which called for more heat and little rain headed into the fall.

“Ontario, Quebec, the northern Prairies, northern BC and up into the territories show some very high probabilities of seeing temperatures that are, again, in that above seasonal or above normal category,” Castellan explained, adding that this could leave a mark countrywide.

Photo via Environment and Climate Change Canada

“Canadians have experienced a hot and dry spring, current seasonal forecast suggests the anomalously hot conditions will continue across the country this summer,” he continued.

“Potential consequences of this seasonal forecast include a high frequency of wildfires that may exceed local management capacity, evacuations due to fire and poor air quality from smoke, potential for heat waves that create health risk and contribute to mortality for vulnerable communities as well as the potential for continued drought conditions – so please, stay weather aware.”

Photo via Environment and Climate Change Canada

We can’t say for sure what’ll happen over the next few months, but we can agree that’ll likely be a hot one across the board – so whether you’re in Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton or Vancouver, be prepared, drink plenty of water and don’t forget to wear sunscreen.

We’re in for quite the ride and you’ll want to be ready when it hits us.