A scriptwriter sits huddled over a glowing laptop in a twilit room. They type furiously at the keys, the rhythmic sound filling the small space. They reach the end of the page and punctuate the finale of their script with a resounding tap.

CLOSE UP: The corner of their mouth quirks in satisfaction. The camera pans upwards to reveal a familiar face illuminated by the blue light of the laptop screen.

You, the viewer, gasp in surprise.

The scriptwriter is YOU – and you’ve just finished your entry for TELUS STORYHIVE’s Scripted Edition.

Let’s rewind: Do you have a great idea for a scripted film? Now is your chance to bring it to life! TELUS STORYHIVE is launching its Scripted Edition, and it’s an amazing opportunity for filmmakers to jump-start their creative journeys.

“The launch of the STORYHIVE Scripted Edition is an exciting opportunity for new and emerging filmmakers in B.C. and Alberta to engage in a dedicated program designed to support fully scripted, locally-reflective content. We are thrilled to present this opportunity to our communities and eagerly anticipate the creative ideas and narrative that will be brought to life through this program. Whether it’s a gripping drama, a laugh-out-loud comedy or any genre in between, we’re seeking new and emerging filmmakers to reflect the rich diversity of our Northern Alberta communities.”

  • Kent Donguines, STORYHIVE Northern Alberta Territory Manager

Show off your creative chops and craft a captivating 20-45-minute scripted film. Tell your community stories through a knee-slapping comedy, a tear-jerking drama, or whatever inspires you!

This program is exclusively for scripted fiction genres and is geared toward beginner and emerging filmmakers.

Here are all the details you need for preparing your entry.

How It Works

STORYHIVE is looking for content that’s fresh, local, and suitable for all ages. Do you have a community story you’ve always wanted to tell? Maybe you’ve always thought your hometown would be the perfect setting for a drama…

To apply to STORYHIVE’s Scripted Edition, you will need to submit a draft script. It can be a rough draft since you will have time to further develop and refine it with your mentor if you are accepted into the program. See more info on STORYHIVE’s website on how to format your script.

If you’re accepted into the program, you’ll be able to bring your local scripted 20 to 45-minute film project to life!

You’ll get $20,000 in production funding, training, and professional mentorship (in partnership with the National Screen Institute). You’ll also get distribution to over 1 million viewers on TELUS Optik TV, Stream+ and STORYHIVE’s YouTube channel.

How cool is that?

Keep in mind that the script needs to take place within the community that you’re applying from. So, if your script is about a family of vampires struggling to make it to the modern world – great! Just make sure they live in your community of Edmonton.

Eligible formats: Scripted standalone shorts and TV pilots in the drama, comedy or other scripted genres.

Ineligible formats: Documentaries, music videos, web series, episodic, lifestyle shows, docusoaps, video games, websites, news or reporting, talk shows, non-Canadian content.


Hear From a TELUS STORYHIVE Filmmaker

Don’t just take our word for it. We spoke to a STORYHIVE filmmaker, Len Morisette, about his experience with the program. 

Len’s project, Lost, a story about a reformed Indigenous gang member who is just released on parole, was created through the STORYHIVE Indigenous Storyteller Edition. Len’s family is from the Mistawasis First Nation and he says this shaped a lot of his experiences and is why he wanted to tell this story.

“I just wanted to tell a real story. I think a lot of times when these stories are told, it’s always from one lens and I wanted to tell a story that showed the complexities of multiple problems that face our communities.”

Len says the experience with STORYHIVE was more than he could have asked for. 

“Living in Northern Alberta, a lot of us are self-taught. You sort of miss out on the big events in Edmonton or Calgary,” he shares. “What I found cool about STORYHIVE is that they have the spotlight on us. And as an indie filmmaker, you need to find that spotlight.”

Len Morisette
Photo via Len Morisette

He also shared how critical the National Screen Institute mentorship was to his journey. 

“My mentor really built me up,” he says. “I would ask ‘Am I doing this right?’ and have all these ideas. When you can actually sit down with your mentor and they really listen, it’s surprising how deep they can get with you. There’s a lot of tough decisions and ups and downs and they’re right there with you through it all.”

Len says if you’re an aspiring filmmaker in a small Northern Alberta community, “just push through the fear. If you have an idea, trust yourself and allow yourself to put yourself out there.”

And that’s why STORYHIVE wants to hear from you!

This is an amazing chance for beginner and emerging filmmakers to learn and get some fantastic exposure. The best part is that no prior filmmaking experience is required!

Apply online before Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at STORYHIVE.com/apply for the Scripted Edition.

We’re rooting for you!