Well, happy campers, the big day has come. Alberta Parks has opened their books for the 2021 season, but there’s something that you guys should know before making your outdoorsy plans! Citing what they believe to be another incredibly busy year for campsites, the government has decided to increase fees.

According to AP, last year was the craziest season to date, likely because Canadians were unable to travel outside of their provinces. For this reason, these price hikes – which will differ from site to site and can range between $1-$3 per night – have been put into place to ensure that our parks are maintained properly despite the heavy traffic.

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Basically, people are messy and a bigger mess requires more manpower, so it’s understandable. Just to give you guys an idea of how busy it actually might be – while we were writing this the reservation site actually crashed because there were so many people trying to snag a plot.

Yep, it’s going to be another wild camping season, friends, so please be mindful and go into booking a site knowing that it might be a little pricier than last year… that’s IF you can even get a spot. Good luck, survivalists, we’ll be rooting for you!