The journey to self-acceptance and empowerment is not linear, but Sophie Grégoire Trudeau explores how we can best navigate it in her new book, Closer Together: Knowing Ourselves, Loving Each Other.

What’s more, the new author will be in Vancouver this May for a speaker event alongside physician and renowned author Gabor Maté, hosted by the Vancouver Writers Fest.

The pair connected in the early stages of Trudeau writing what would become her first book. His experience as an expert on addictions and trauma among other topics helped inspire her writing of Closer Together.

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About the book

The book invites readers on a personal journey, sharing moments from Trudeau’s life and upbringing to shed light on the importance of self-knowledge.

Drawing on the expertise of top psychologists, psychiatrists, and scientists, she hopes to impart to readers that everyone is capable of growth and positive change.

A strong advocate for mental health, Trudeau believes that we need to understand “why we think and feel the way we do, and recognize the attitudes and experiences that may be holding us back,” according to Penguin Random House Canada.

To be released on April 23rd, the book marks the first of two to be published via Penguin Random House Canada. The second will be a picture book for children, encouraging them to find ways to “connect to their emotions through interactions with nature.”

‘In addition to local retailers, Closer Together is available for pre-order for $40 via Chapters-Indigo and Amazon.

Curious to learn more about the book and the subjects it covers? Trudeau and Maté will speak at the Frederic Wood Theatre at UBC on May 9th from 7:30 pm to 9:30.

Visitors can grab a copy for $40 at the event, courtesy of Book Warehouse!

So mark your calendars, Vancouver!

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau and Gabor Maté in Conversation

When: May 9th
Where: 6354 Crescent Road, UBC
Cost: $20 to $40