So that’s your fishing rod, huh? Had it for years and it hasn’t let you down? Well pal, that Wal-Mart brand kid’s toy would be no match for a very big and very old sturgeon that was caught by some sport fishermen in BC this week. The folks over at the Fraser River Lodge helped catch it, and fortunately, they shared the details via social media.

The fish in question is a White Sturgeon, which is Canada’s largest freshwater fish and is only present in BC. Known for their huge size and prehistoric, bony appearance, the fish were and are prized for fishing. However, they were often caught before reaching maturity, and so sustenance fishing (fishing to eat them) was banned back in the 90s.

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Sport fishing can still happen, though. The fish caught by the Fraser River Lodge was an extremely rare one. Mostly due to its size and age (around 100 years) but also because it had not been caught before. Dang, imagine going 100 years and then wham-o, you’re upside down for a photo. It would be a crazy day in the river.

If you’re wanting to help these old dinosaurs keep on kicking, you should know that there are ongoing conservation efforts to help protect their environment. Now, we kind of want to see someone try and go noodlin’ for one of these bad boys, like Matty Matheson did with some catfish.