We’ve had a good run, but after a beautiful October, parts of Alberta will likely see snow for the first time this season. Stretch your arms and reach to the back of those closets, because according to Environment and Climate Change Canada, the weather in Alberta will transition significantly in the coming days and you’ll want your jackets, boots and some comfort food.

“It’s been a pretty mild fall so far, so yeah, this will be the first snow of the season,” Rob Griffith the lead meteorologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada told Curiocity, referring to Calgary specifically.

“A cold front will sweep through Calgary on Sunday, so that’ll really shift a change in the airmass, there are some flurries possible with that initial cold front but the greater chance of snow will come a little bit later in the week.”

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Ready or not, Tuesday morning will see a low coming from BC that will likely result in a ‘higher snowfall amount’ and an inevitable chill down your spine.

But how much snow can we expect? While it’s too early to write in stone, Griffith says it’s possible that places like Calgary could see 10 to 15 cm, while other flurry-expectant cities like Crowsnest, Lethbridge and Medicine Hat could get a tad more.


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Luckily, for those in Edmonton, you may be in the clear (for now) as this particular snowfall is “not as likely to impact central Alberta.”

Still, it might be worth preparing for the winter months and everything that comes with the lower temperatures.

“It’s not impossible that temperatures above 0 will come back, but generally in late October, early November we do see that shift into more of wintery-type weather,” the expert added.

“[In Calgary] we’re going from mild, high teens, 20-degree temperatures to near-freezing temperatures, people are going to have to adjust their driving and their wardrobe.”

As for your full 7-day forecast? Here’s what Alberta’s biggest cities have to look forward to.

Calgary, Alberta weather forecast

Photo via Environment and Climate Change Canada

Edmonton, Alberta weather forecast

Photo via Environment and Climate Change Canada

So, there you have it, Alberta. The chiller season is nearly here but it’s not all bad.

There’s so much to look forward to in the coming weeks and chilly forecast? It’s simply a bump in the road.

Have fun out there, dress warm and be safe. It’ll come and go before you know it.