With rising rental prices and a high cost of living, life in Vancouver can feel anything but tranquil. But when it comes to breaking away from the city’s hustle and bustle, it turns out Vancouver has a lot to offer – serene beaches, fantastic air quality, and plenty of outdoor amenities to take advantage of when life gets stressful.

UK-based Travelbag just ranked the 10 Most Tranquil Cities In the World, and rounding off the list of calm cities is none other than Vancouver.

The ranking looks at the following to determine a city’s tranquillity:

  • Population density
  • Average number of tourists per year
  • Average internet speed
  • Number of walking trails
  • Air quality
  • Noise & light pollution levels
  • Happiness score

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most tranquil cities vancouver
Screenshot via Travelbag

So while it looks like Vancouver’s tourist footprint is rather high, we have one of the highest air qualities on this list, and a decent population density given Vancouver’s size.

And call us biased, but our walking trails are some of the best around. In fact, this ranking has just motivated us to head to Pacific Spirit Regional Park stat!

In terms of other cities recognized for their calmness, Juneau, Alaska tops the list as the most peaceful city in the U.S. and the world, “providing visitors with the ideal opportunity to unwind and recharge.”

You can view more info about the other tranquil cities recognized via Travelbag’s official ranking.