Wild Rose Country has become a hotbed for major projects and highly anticipated TV shows. From HBO to A-list actors, we’ve kind of seen it all, or at least we thought we had. Just like the iconic extraterrestrial hunter, Predator 5, was actually being filmed right underneath Southern Alberta’s noses – flying under the radar with an alternate title and a series of off-grid filming locations many of them being in and around Calgary and Drumheller.

Known to those on staff simply as ‘Skull,’ Predator 5 was actually supposed to be a secret – so.. really it was only a matter of time until the news broke.

Directed by Dan Trachtenberg (10 Cloverfield Lane), the latest installment of the franchise will actually kick off where it all began.

Though the official cast has yet to be revealed, Skull’s IMDB page does confirm that it will follow a female protagonist back to the beginning – the origins of the Yautja race and how they ended up on Earth.

Of course, like you, we weren’t satisfied with the lack of public information, especially because it’s been in production since June, we have done a little more digging around. A Reddit thread from two months ago detailed that production had begun in Morley, a First Nations settlement about 45 minutes west of Calgary. Morley has played host to plenty of Hollywood productions, most recently setting the scene for the 2015 Oscar winner The Revenant. 

The most notable thing that we found? Well, while we said that there wasn’t an official cast – there were a few rumours swirling around who may appear in the upcoming movie, the biggest one being that Amber Midhunter (The Ice Road) would take the lead.

We can’t say that this seals the deal, but below is a photo of her at this year’s Stampede.


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Who knows what else we might hear in the coming weeks!

Now, for all of you who are big fans of the movie, we understand that you might be skeptical. Nothing will ever come close to the 1987 version, but this one is not like the others! We’re still holding out hope, friends – and honestly, whether it lives up to the original or not, it still gets a point or two from us for being filmed in our backyard.

We guess we’ll just have to wait until 2022 when it’s finally released!