If you’re on the hunt for your first home, you’ve probably already realized that buying your first home can be one rollercoaster of a ride. Sure it has its alluring lifts but also has a few drops on the way. And from experience, we can say that while finally owning a place is very rewarding, the steps to that goal can be a bit intimidating.

To save you the stress, we teamed up with RELNKS to bring you some tips that are sure to take the intimidation out of your first home buying experience.

Before we dive deeper into the tips, you might be wondering what RELNKS does. While it is often thought to be an online home buying platform with listings, in reality, it is a lot more than that. RELNKS has you covered every step of the way- right from when you first decide on investing in a home all the way to settling into it.

You can get neighbourhood insights, connect with mortgage brokers and real estate agents, find movers and other service providers, get utilities transferred and everything else you will need. RELNKS is like your own personal home buying Genie guiding you all the way through.

So when their experts revealed these 5 tips that will make your experience as a first-time homebuyer straight-up stress-free, we had to share the good stuff!

Get all the info and support you can get

There are a few steps before you actually start looking for homes. For example, you need to get a credit score and preapproval, research locations and neighbourhoods and finalize your budget and preference among other things. And to do all this, you need access to the right info and the right people. Incidentally, both -people and info- can be easily found via RELNKS. There’s an all-questions-answered blog, there’s market data and insights and there’s a whole array of real estate professionals for you to connect with.


Make sure you are aware of the common home-buying mistakes

There are certain common mistakes that first-time homebuyers are bound to make. Not getting preapproved, underestimating the costs of homeownership and omitting important conditions on your offer to name just a few. All of this can be avoided with the right guide by your side. RELNKS will arm you with a complete checklist to ensure that your most expensive investment is worth your money and trouble.


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Connect with the right people

Half the battle is won merely by building a good army. Home buying is no different. You need to connect with the right people who can guide you through your specific needs and sitch. And it’s not just a real estate agent and a mortgage broker you need. Of course, they are key, but in addition, your homebuying army should also have a home inspector, a real estate appraiser and a real estate lawyer. RELNKS explains this in-depth in one of their blogs.

Factor add-ons into your budget

For this let us refer back to tip #3. You know that homebuying army you should be building? Well, that costs money. In fact, it’s not just the pre-buying army but also the post-purchase army- movers, locksmiths, etc.- that you need to factor into your budget. Lucky for us, RELNKS has a built-in quoting system you’ll find on the app where you can request quotes from multiple service providers effortlessly. Budgeting just got a smart upgrade!


Take the route that’s smart, smooth and easy-to-navigate

As you’ve probably understood by now, there’s a lot that goes into turning your dream of having your own home a reality. The best way to deal with all this is to do it the smart way. Having all your documents in one place and instantly accessible when required is a good place to start. You can do so with just a few taps on the RELNKS platform btw.

Whether you are just starting out or are somewhere in the middle of your home-settling process, RELNKS is going to simplify your life, we promise. The best part is that the platform is free to use. All this sounding too good to be true? Well, we’ll leave you with RELNKS experts. Check out the platform, sign up, use it yourself and be as amazed as we were!