The Flatiron Building, also known as the Gooderham Building, is something most Torontonians have seen or snapped a photo of! The picturesque structure sits right downtown, near the St Lawrence Market area of the city.

While it is beautiful to look at, have you ever been curious about its history and where it came from? We have the answers.

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gooderham flatiron building
Image via City of Toronto Archives

According to the City of Toronto Archives, the wedge-shaped building at the intersection of Wellington and Front streets was built in 1891 and designed by architect David Roberts.

The building was put up to house offices belonging to the Gooderham family, who grew wealthy in the distilling and banking industries.

It was nicknamed the “Flatiron Building” for its resemblance to an old-fashioned clothes-iron, the building’s triangular shape results from the meeting of Wellington Street with Front Street and the diagonal route that followed the waterfront at the time.

According to the Canadian Encyclopedia, many people assume that the Gooderham Building is a copy of the better-known and larger Flatiron Building in New York City, but the New York City building actually didn’t come for another 11 years – in 1902.

Today, The Flatiron building is now considered a designated Heritage property and is still used for office space, complete with a pub in the basement called The Flatiron, how fitting!

Did you learn something new about the Flatiron Building, Toronto?