It’s a good news world and we’re just living in it. And, it is our job to bring those bits of good news to you to hopefully make ya smile. So many heartwarming and joyous things happen in our country, that sometimes it’s hard to parse things down to just five. But, we’ve figured it out and have got you five good news stories that will bring you maximum good vibes. And you can take that to the bank!

Now, let’s get into them!

The oldest fossils in the world may have been found in Canada

The world is old. Like really old. And some scientists have found some fossils that might be evidence of the oldest creatures to have been discovered. It makes sense that we haven’t found them until now, because the fossils are smaller than a human hair. So yeah, easy to miss! Now, this is a very cool discovery though.

Penny Oleksiak has made Canadian Olympic history with her sixth medal

In case you missed it, the Olympics are currently happening. And Canadian athlete Penny Oleksiak is killing it! She recently received her sixth medal of her career in the 200m freestyle swim, which is a first for a Canadian athlete. The 21-year old from Toronto is the most decorated summer athlete in Canadian Olympic history. Now, that is very cool. Like super awesome cool. And, even better, she’s only 21 so there’s still plenty of swimming (and winning) ahead of her!

The Canadian Women’s Rowing team’s celebration for winning gold might make you cry with joy

We love the Olympics here at Curiocity, and we love a powerful display of emotion as well. In this video of the Women’s Rowing team winning gold, we got both of those. After a gruelling race, the women rip past the finishing line. Then they realize that they’re all gold medalists, and the power of the moment seizes them. It’s really a powerful watch that brings a tear even to our stony hearts.

Killer whales have returned to BC after a months-long hiatus

The whales came back the very next day. The whales came back, we thought they had left us but the whales came back the very next day away! You know the song! After 108 days of silence, a pod of killer whales that used to make its home in the Haro Strait in BC has returned. Their absence was likely due to a dwindling of salmon populations in the area, but they’re back home safe and sound.

Ontario Place could see an absolutely massive transformation

Some 2 years since the initial proposal, the City of Toronto and the Government of Ontario has unveiled plans for what was once one of Canada’s biggest attractions. The project will include an incredible ‘wellness resort’, an adventure park, and a complete overhaul of the Budweiser Stage. The best part? The Cinesphere and those floating pods are sticking around.

And that’s all folks! All of the good news round-up that is. Hopefully these stories of animals, athletes and nature really make you smile and bring in some good vibes into your weekend.