Buying a home is not difficult. Now, before you go all “what the heck” on us, hear us out. Buying a home is not difficult… finding a home is. Especially in the Greater Vancouver real estate market. Which is why it is important to look for it in the right place. And our latest discovery might just be that place. Enter:

We recently came across this home buying and selling website on one of our exasperated home hunts. And while home hunting is still a Herculean task, turned out to be a great help when you’re struggling with the very first step.

Price Drops section on
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They make it super easy to find your ideal fit based on your priorities, thanks to the many search filters they offer.

You can, of course, surf through the MLS feature where you’ll spot all the listings across Greater Vancouver. Or fire up their Map to find all the listings near your location. But they let you narrow down your search even further.

Map on
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If you want to get your feet wet and get a feel of some properties in your free time, you can look for Open Houses in the neighbourhood you want. If you’re a parent (or are thinking ahead) you can even find good school districts. With their Schools feature, you can actually see the school ranking, in addition to the listings in the area.

Real Estate Mobile Website
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But the three search filters that we found the most useful were Presales, Price Drops and Buildings.


As can be guessed from the name, you’ll find all the new presale projects coming up in Greater Vancouver. If you’re thinking of buying a condo but are not in any rush, this is a perfect option to lock in a great spot for a more affordable price. And given that works closely with developers, you’ll find the most updated info on the platform.

Real Estate Mobile Website Listing
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Price Drops

This filter will show you which listings have reduced their prices and by how much. So, you can keep an eye out for homes that might have formerly been too expensive and are now within your budget with all the recent and upcoming changes in the real estate market.

Price Drop Listings on Greater Vancouver Real Estate
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This filter shows you listings by project/building. So, if you’ve been eyeing a specific building, or love the building you currently rent in, you can easily check out the listings in that building in particular. Plus, you can get info on how many listings are there in the building, what’s the average sale price, and even an insider’s look at the properties, etc.

Building Listings on Greater Vancouver Real Estate
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Despite all these features, if you find yourself stuck somewhere on your home-buying journey, their service team has got your back. They are quite knowledgeable and quick to respond.

First-timer or repeat home-buyer, we suggest you check out the home buying and selling website below.