There are endless reasons why we’re so proud to call Calgary home, but the most apparent has to be the friendly people and amazing culture.

Culture from near and far is important to keep alive and that is the main goal of Diversecities, formally known as the Calgary Chinese Community Service Association. As a community service, they provide assistance in four key life areas: Economic Integration, Social Connection, Well-being, and Learning. So new Calgarians can prosper in our amazing city!

Diversecities recently went through a major glow-up and it’s time our city knows a little more about this small be mighty organization. 

The very core of their principles is simple, to create an inclusive and supportive society, where everyone has equal access to Canadian opportunities. There are many ways Diversecities helps visible minorities and we think more people should know about their services, check them out here!

diversecities calgary
Photos via Diversecities

This year they’re doing even more by introducing the first-ever Diversecities Builder Award. This award honours a community member that drives impact to improve social mobility.

This year’s first winner is Syed Najam Hassan!

As the founder of Love with Humanity Association, Syed recognized that seniors and new immigrants especially needed help with getting access to basic needs, like books in their own language. Which is how his organization started. Syed built a multicultural outdoor library complete with chairs and coffee tables in his front lawn to allow visitors a comfortable place to browse books and socialize with community members. And if that doesn’t hit you in the feels, we’re not sure what will!

diversecities calgary
Photos via Diversecities

His organization has grown immensely offering so many great services to seniors, new immigrants, and other community members in need.:

Word caught wind of the Love with Humanity Association and they started receiving requests from other towns, cities, and even countries for assistance with similar facilities and initiatives. Now that’s the kind of positivity we love to see in Calgary, and we’re happy to hear it reach even more communities.

There are so many ways to get involved with Diversecities and they can’t wait to collaborate with the people of Calgary to help everyone reach their full potential! Here are ways to get involved:

There is no better time to share the love Calgary!