Canada is no stranger to cold weather, but the last few days have been exceptional.

From snowfall and blizzard warnings to extreme cold alerts, cities from coast to coast like Calgary, Edmonton in Alberta, Elk Valley and Creston BC are being advised to stay indoors and out of the cold – but how do we stack up against other countries?

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Photo via Environment and Climate Change Canada

Today, it should come as no surprise that the Great North is home to 8 of the 10 coldest places on Earth right now, according to WX-Now. 

While things will likely change throughout the day, Three Hills, Alberta is currently listed as one of the coldest places in the world right now at a whopping -37°C, behind Yakutsk and Sokol in Russia which are -47°C and -39°C, respectfully.

Other Canadian cities mentioned at the time of publication were Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories which is currently at -37°C and Lupin CS, Nunuvut at -35°C.

Photo via WX-Now

Of course, no matter where you are today it’s important to be smart and dress appropriately.

According to Environment and Climate Change Canada, the chance of getting frostbite increases rapidly at windchill values below -27°C, a temperature all too familiar to those in the central and northern parts of the country.

With this in mind, please stay safe out there! For local and Canada weather, as well as tips or tricks for staying warm, check out ECCC’s website and good luck.

Heck, maybe treat yourself today other than stay warm. You deserve it.