It’s one of those things that most of us do but wouldn’t dare discuss out loud — that is, until Pornhub gives us no other choice. The Canadian-owned website has once again exposed our secrets by releasing the most popular searches from users across the country this year.

As part of its Year in Review for 2023, Pornhub has created a breakdown of the top 20 countries by traffic from the past 12 months, which it does every year through its “Insights team” and statisticians. Seriously.

In fact, this is Pornhub’s 10th anniversary of doing so.

“2023 is the 10th anniversary of Pornhub’s Year in Review Insights! Over the last decade we have brought you trends, terms, searches, and a recap of all the key events of those years that helped to shape the world’s porn viewing habits,” it states.

“And this year, our statisticians are back with more data and commentary to touch on this year’s biggest trends.”

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First off, let’s have a look at where Canada placed globally in terms of traffic to the popular website.

“When we broke down the top countries by traffic, the United States took the lead again this year by a landslide. In a country with a population as large as theirs, it is easy to see why,” states Pornhub’s analysis.

Following that, the Philippines rose to take 2nd place, taking the United Kingdom’s spot and knocking them down to 5th place, with the help of Mexico climbing as well.

Canada is in its similar position as last year, landing in 9th globally.

For time spent per visit, Canada is up +33 seconds for an average of 10 minutes and 1 second this year, and ranks 11th globally.

Image via Pornhub

Now on to the country’s breakdown.

The most searched term in Canada in 2023 was similar to last year’s, and that is “milf.”

“Up +1 spot since last year was “hentai” and down –1 spot this year was “lesbian,” states the analysis.

Image via Pornhub

As for trending searches, Pornhub says that “therapy” was up +566% in 2023, and “pure pleasure” was up +561%.

“One notable discovery from Canada this year centered around their most popular search trend; ‘Therapy’ emerged as the top trending search, experiencing a remarkable surge of +566%,” commented Pornhuub. “Australia was the only other Western country displaying a similar trend, which marked ‘therapy’ as their second most popular search with an increase of +541%.”

The top three categories in Canada are similar to other major countries, according to this year’s review.

And there you have it, Canada!

Some dinner time statistics for conversation.