Go Canada, Go! The eighth annual US News Best Countries Report has been released and Canada managed to score higher this year compared to last. Coming in hot in second place, here’s what to know about the report.

According to the ranking by the U.S. News & World Report and the University of Pennsylvania, 87 countries were evaluated based on 73 attributes. These attributes were then grouped into 10 subrankings: Adventure, Agility, Cultural Influence, Entrepreneurship, Heritage, Movers, Open for Business, Power, Social Purpose, and Quality of Life.

This year, Entrepreneurship is the most heavily weighted amongst the rest.

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“A nation’s economy, as well as its potential for success in key areas such as trade, travel and investment, hinges in part on how it is perceived globally,” said Morgan Felchner, U.S. News executive editor, news and events.

“The 2023 Best Countries rankings and report examine these perceptions as they relate to several qualitative characteristics, giving policymakers and residents of various nations a helpful glimpse into their country’s perceived value.”

As for how Canada compares to the rest of the world, our beautiful country came in second place compared to third back in 2022. Though it doesn’t compare to where we landed in 2021, we have remained in the top for the last few years.

best countries
Photo via U.S News 2023

Getting a score of 99.3, Canada ranked high in the following categories: Agility, Quality of Life, Social Purpose and Entrepreneurship.

As for the others, here’s what other countries made the top 10:


  1. Switzerland
  2. Canada
  3. Sweden
  4. Australia
  5. United States
  6. Japan
  7. Germany
  8. New Zealand
  9. United Kingdom
  10. Netherlands

You can find the 2023 ranking here.