It’s happening, sports fans. Calgary is officially getting a new event centre, but with no word on what it’ll look like, imaginations are running wild! Luckily, thanks to the power of AI and one local creative, curious Calgarians got a glimpse of what could be.

Prompted by Eric González, a director, producer and videographer – several AI renderings have been made available on Social Media and we’ll be lucky if the new building looks even half as good as they do in the photos below.


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With 8 made available, we observed two commonalities.

First, all renderings were bigger and more modern – and two, red is definitely our colour!

This particular choice, of course, should not be surprising because the AI was actually asked to use the Saddledome for inspiration – something we hope future architects will also do when designing the building.

Unfortunately, we might not know for quite some time – despite the government giving the city the green light to move forward with the project.

“This new arena and event centre will be at the heart of Calgary’s sports, entertainment and cultural scene for generations, and will result in billions of dollars of economic activity and a higher quality of life for millions of Albertans,” said Alberta Premier, Danielle Smith when they announced their agreement in April.


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“The memories experienced here by families and friends will contribute invaluably to the fabric and spirit of this city for decades. Calgary is a vibrant world-class city deserving and in need of world-class facilities. Along with Edmonton’s Rogers Place, Alberta will now have two of the best and most modern event centres in all the world.”

Can’t wait to see the real thing with your own two eyes? According to the city, the project will cost an estimated $800 million dollar ($1.22 billion for the whole project) with future agreements to be discussed throughout the spring and summer of 2023.

What do you hope the new event centre will look like, Calgary? Let us know on our socials and stay curious! It won’t be long until we see it all come to life.