Now that we’ve officially entered the new year, employers across the country are back in the office. And luckily for job seekers, there are hundreds of open public service jobs across BC – and they’re looking for everyone from engineers to admin assistants, to policy analysts. So if you’re passionate about working at one of your local ministries or community groups, it’s definitely worth taking a look.

Most jobs are full-time, salaried positions, ranging from $40,000 a year to over $100k. Each job ad has a different opening date and closing date, so it’s important to note the application deadline for a position before applying.

Here are just some of the jobs currently available through the BC Public Service job portal:

Children and Family Development

Social Development & Poverty Reduction 

Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Forests


Other ministries and organizations hiring include the Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure, Indigenous Relations & Reconciliation, Ministry of Housing, Childcare & Education, the Attorney General, and more.

Well, that’s all for now, Vancouver. Good luck & happy job hunting!