Ready to immerse yourself in the largest natural mineral hot springs in all of Canada? You don’t have to go far if you’re in BC. Surrounded by towering mountains and scenic vistas is the resort town of Fairmont Hot Springs, where you can take the plunge into its pools this summer.

Fairmont Hot Springs Resort is home to a large soaking pool (39°C), swimming pool (32°C), and dive pool (30°C) to help you relax and unwind.

The best part is the pools are suitable for all ages, according to the resort’s website.

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“With a daily flow of over 1.2 million gallons of fresh mineral water, our odorless and naturally heated pools promise a serene and tranquil experience that’ll leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized,” states the Hot Springs’ site.

Hours & rates

The hot spring pools are open to the public every day from 9 am to 10 pm for the season, with single entry priced at $17 per adult. Families can take advantage of their two adults + two children admission, which is priced at $55.

Day passes are $25 per person or $77 for families.

So there you have it, hot springs enthusiasts. If you’re looking for a place to truly unwind this summer, especially one with stunning views, you can’t do much better than Fairmont Hot Springs.

Fairmont Hot Springs Resort

Where: Fairmont Hot Springs, BC