Every once in a while, we stumble on a headline that isn’t just fun to talk about- it connects with us on a spiritual level as well. And, hearing about the Cowichan Valley creating a ‘toad road’ this week is right up our alley. There’s a toad on the road, but where are they going? Let’s find out.

As it happens, the breeding grounds and subsequent migration route for the region’s Western toads cross over a couple of roads outside of Duncan, BC. Naturally, the toads didn’t really process the dangers of crossing a road at night (who can blame them?). So, the BC Ministry of Transportation stepped in and created a fence/underground pipe system to direct them under these roads instead.

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That work apparently finished up on Wednesday, just in time for the migration to begin in earnest. Why are we so pumped about the toad road? Good question, we don’t know the answer ourselves, but here we are. All they need now is transportation, and we’re wondering if there’s an unlikely friendship to be made with the snakes in the region. Fun fact- there are 10 different kinds of frogs in BC, but only two different types of toads (courtesy BC Frogwatch).

So, we’ve gotta protect these guys if we can! Shoutout to the provincial government for hopping right in there and creating this toad road.