Categories: Lifestyle

Alberta is officially moving to stage 2 tomorrow – here’s what to expect

It’s official. We’re going full speed ahead! Though premiere Jason Kenney had teased the news last week, the province just received confirmation that the province will, in fact, be moving ahead into Stage 2 of the Alberta ‘Open For Summer Strategy,’ tomorrow.

“With more than 67 percent of eligible Albertans vaccinated with a first dose, a fully reopened Alberta is within our sight,” Kenney said in a press release. “We are putting the worst of this pandemic behind us for good and moving into a bright summer and an even brighter future.”

Of course, with news like this there’s a lot to unpack, so let’s get into it.

Here’s everything that Albertans can expect on June 10th as the province continues to ease COVID restrictions:

  • Outdoor social gatherings increase to 20 people, with distancing.
  • Indoor and outdoor wedding ceremonies may occur with up to 20 attendees. Receptions are permitted outdoors.
  • Indoor and outdoor funeral services remain unchanged with up to 20 people permitted. Receptions are permitted outdoors.
  • Restaurants may seat tables with up to six people, indoors or outdoors.
    • Dining parties are no longer restricted to households only.
    • Physical distancing and other restrictions still apply.
Photo Via Shutterstock
  • Retail capacity increases to one-third of fire code occupancy.
  • Capacity for places of worship increases to one-third of fire code occupancy.
  • Gyms and other indoor fitness facilities open for solo and drop-in activities with three-metre distancing between participants and fitness classes may resume with three-metre distancing.
  • Indoor settings may open with up to one-third of fire code occupancy, including indoor recreation centres. This includes arenas, cinemas, theatres, museums, art galleries and libraries.
  • Indoor and outdoor youth and adult sports resume.
  • Youth activities, such as day camps, overnight camps and play centres, may resume.
  • Personal and wellness services can resume walk-in services.
  • Post-secondary institutions can resume in-person learning.
  • The work-from-home order is lifted but still recommended.
  • Outdoor fixed seating facilities (e.g., grandstands) can open with one-third seated capacity.
  • Public outdoor gatherings increase to 150 people (e.g., concerts/festivals)

Of course, despite the province giving us a little more wiggle room to socialize and entertain ourselves, the mask mandate is still in place – it’s also recommended that you continue to wash your hands and adhere to distancing guidelines, but ready or not, Alberta – it’s happening.

The end is near, but we should still be cautious, safe, kind and understanding. It’s going to be a long hot summer, so get waxed and get vaxxed (or whatever its the kids are saying these days) and get ready!

As always, if you need any confirmation or if you just want more information about stage 2 of Alberta’s reopening strategy, please visit the official government website here! See you out there, Alberta!