You know we don’t like sounding like a broken record but we’ve gotta keep it real – taking care of ourselves (and each other) has never been more important. With summer just around the corner, now’s certainly not the time to be feeling under the weather! That’s why we’ve partnered with our friends at Herbaland, to put together a list of some of the easiest ways you can boost your immune system today and keep on feelin’ your best all season long!


Garlic lovers rejoice! In addition to being freakin’ delicious, studies show that garlic actually helps battle toxins, and can be strong enough to counter bacteria and infection. And if there was ever a time to up your intake of this potent delight, it’s definitely while we’re all staying 6 ft apart!


We’re not sayin’ you’ve gotta run 50 kms (although we’d be impressed). Just 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week is shown to have huge impacts on boosting your immune system. (That’s just over 20 minutes of exercise per day!) Plus, with the warm weather finally here, you’re probably ready to come out of hibernation and explore the outdoors anyway!


herbaland gummies immune system tips
Via Curiocity

Making sure you’re getting all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs can go a long way in staying healthy and fighting off bacteria. If you’re looking for an easy way to add vitamins into your routine, check out Herbaland’s line of Immunity Gummies! From their Immune Plus Gummy, to their Vitamin C, and Vegan D3 & B12, they carry an extensive line of delicious Canadian-made vegan vitamins!  


The benefits of a full 8 hours of sleep are endless, and thankfully there are a ton of resources on the market to help with this one. In addition to apps like Headspace or Noisli that aim to improve your sleep mindset, taking a supplement with melatonin like Herbaland’s Sleep Plus Gummies can help stimulate calmness before bed. 


herbaland gummies immune system tips
Via Curiocity

This one might be a bit of a stretch but (in addition to endless love!) it’s been scientifically proven that owning a pet can help increase fitness, lower stress, and decrease both blood pressure and cholesterol. Not ready for the commitment? No problem! Consider fostering an animal from a local shelter or even taking a friend’s dog for a walk.


This might seem easier said than done, but there are tons of small things you can do daily to help manage stress. From stretching, getting some sun, taking a quick walk, or going full Marie Kondo and organizing your space, managing stress is a great way to improve your overall immune system!


We’re not ones to shy away from diggin’ into a pizza, a burger, or basically anything delicious. But when it comes to food, focusing on eating a balanced diet full of whole foods, fruits, and veggies makes a huge impact on your overall health. Moderation is key!

There you have it, folks. A few simple steps that can make a big impact on your overall health and immune system, and keep you feelin’ your best all through spring and summer!

herbaland gummies immune system tips
Via Curiocity

Looking to find out more about incorporating vitamins into your everyday routine? Herbaland carries tons of daily vitamins to help boost your immune system- and they even carry lines focused on beauty, sleep and fitness! Shop their full product line here!