Whether you’ve been out and about or playing it safe and watching the world through social media, chances are you’ve noticed that Mother Nature has done a total 180 since last month. Turns out, warmer temperatures haven’t been exclusive to one area either. We’ve actually seen record-breaking weather throughout Alberta!

Yesterday, March 18th in particular was exceptionally impressive, with 20 towns, hamlets, and cities shattering previously reached milestones.

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Taber, Alberta led the way with a provincial high of 19.3°C, barely breaking the record of 19.2°C which was set in 2017.

Other communities that crushed previous peaks, Calgary who saw a high of 17°C – the warmest it’s been on that date in 90 years; Edmonton at 14°C (old record of 12.9°C), Lethbridge, Brooks, Slave lake and Sundre in addition to others.

To see Environment Canada’s list of Alberta cities that had record-breaking weather, visit their official website here. One thing is for sure, friends. It looks as if we’re in for a beautiful spring/summer season and honestly, we think we deserve it!

The last year has been difficult and there’s nothing like a little vitamin C to put a skip back in your step.