It’s been 5 hard, difficult months since Calgary’s beloved Turk the turkey last roamed the streets of the inner city. We’d be lying if we said that the news of his sudden passing didn’t hit us harder than a post-Thanksgiving food coma – but we hope that maybe he’s in a better place now. One with plenty of liquor store windows to stare into, policemen to run from, and gibble to gobble.

Call us dramatic, but during a time when we felt as though we were knee-deep in a dumpster fire (shoutout to COVID phase 1), Turk Diggler was still able to make us smile. For that, we’ll be forever grateful to the rascally fowl.

As it turns out though, we’re not the only ones who idolized the bird. Since his passing in July, over 1,500 signatures have been collected on a petition to memorialize Turk… and gosh darn it, it may have worked.

According to our fellow Diggler fans at CBC News, a bronze tribute to Turk the turkey is actually in the works – all that’s needed now is the funding to get the job done.

This particular statue is estimated to cost around $20,000, but will forever memorialize the wild animal that meant so much to so many. The plan is to create two statues and raffle one of them off, paying for both, but organizers are open to suggestions.

Until then – we can grieve and remember him together on his Facebook Fan Page: The Loyal Followers of The Ramsay Turkey.

One day, with the cash and approval from the city, we may have a turkey statue in Scotsman Hill, overlooking his home of Ramsay. Wouldn’t that be something special?